Friday, April 27, 2012

Television Influence for morals of children's

Morals Of Children's Television Influence
Television is a miracle in the world, although only in the form of a simple electronic box that is able to effectively act as the mass media in a variety of information with live images, colorful and moving. So that it can attract, drugged and led the whole attention of the audience that is why, most viewers assume that any information is correct televised, what good is served by television. So they decided that television is the only resource and information center is right, good and accurate, even television is considered as the teacher who must be followed and followed, means the most efficient and effective way to learn and get to know many things in life and this life rather than variety of books that are considered time-consuming.
Of the many television programs are presented, most of them can affect the attitude of the audience after or look at television. The fact that we have encountered many of the information conveyed television, both positive and negative facts. So it is either directly or indirectly affect the character of the audience toward the positive or negative direction. So there are two moral influence of television on children, namely:
A. Influences are positive
Television can be a positive impact for the viewers who watch the show or television program. The effects are positive as follows:
a. The existence of such religious drama breath: the secret of the divine, the divine power, and so forth.
b. The existence of events or impressions that express such as education or knowledge quiz, news and so forth.
2. Negative influence
The television show is not only a positive impact alone but more television shows a negative effect to the attitude of the audience after or on television viewing time, so it will affect the character of the audience in the negative direction. The influence that television is negative as follows:
a. Often watch television will dereliction of duty and obligation to the viewers
b. Often watch television will affect student learning and reduce achievement
c. Children tend to prefer the impressions that express violence
d. After watching a television show they like to imitate what they watch

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